
Replicas, or reproductions, are a precise printed copy of the scanned drawing. My replicas are produced using premium materials and state-of-the-art printing techniques to guarantee exceptional quality. Replicas are printed on canvases and provide an affordable way to own and cherish your favorite pieces.

Replicas are fixed priced, beginning by 400 NIS, depending on size. 100×70 cm replica, for example, will cost 1000 NIS including delivery.

What do you need to do? It’s simple: Choose your favorite drawing, contact me and tell me the size you want and you’ll get a mockup of desired art on your wall. In short, Talk to me and together, we’ll make your walls happier!

Available for print

Gallery is arranged according to color pallets, from calm to crazy.. so- if your’e looking for a red/turquoise abstract, scroll down.

each photo includes a close up – so you can notice all colors and textures, and a couple of mockups in different rooms, so you can visualize ut at yours. enjoy!

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